Understanding The Benefits Of French Drains
Posted on: 6 October 2015
French drains are a specialized type of drain that can be installed in your yard or in your home that allow for easy water drainage. If you have been having flooding issues in or around your home and have not been able to find a solution, installing a French drain may be the right step. Understanding how French drains work and what they can offer can help you decide if they are the right solution for your specific problem.
How They Work
French drains are made by taking a pipe with several small holes drilled into the top of it and then burying it in a gravel bed. Water will flow into the gravel bed, as it is at a lower elevation than the surrounding area, and then into the pipe, which will carry the water a safe distance away before letting it drain.
Yard Flooding
If the surface of your yard is becoming soggy or if there is a certain area in your yard that has become flooded, you can install a French drain to carry water away from it.
The French drain should be installed on an area uphill or above the soggy area, running parallel to the area in question. This means that water flowing down into the affected area will be picked up by the French drain and carried a sufficient distance away to a sewer or another area with better drainage, allowing the affected area to dry out and repair.
Basement Flooding
If water is entering your basement, you can do two things. If your house is still under construction, you can install a French drain around the perimeter of your foundation's footing. Once water enters the French drain, it is either carried a sufficient distance away and drained, or if there is not enough of a slope for this to occur, it can be carried into a basin inside your home and drained from there using a sump pump.
However, if your house has been constructed already, it can be difficult to reach the foundation. If this is the case, a contractor can rip up the floor of your basement and install a French drain around the inside perimeter of your basement walls. The water can then be transported to a reservoir or basin where it can be pumped out of your home through the use of a sump pump, preventing water from entering your home.
For more information, contact Rakeman Plumbing or a similar company.