Getting Your Windows Ready For Summer

Posted on: 28 May 2015
Summer is just around the corner, and in most of the country that means it's time to focus on keeping the inside of your house cool and comfortable while outside temperatures rise. Running your air conditioner uses electricity and costs money. There are other things you can do to keep your home cool that will be easier on the environment and on your budget. Your windows may be letting in heat and letting cool air escape from your home.
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4 Plants You Shouldn't Have In Your Yard

Posted on: 5 May 2015
When you start designing your backyard and adding different plants and flowers, you will probably want to add as many plants as you can find. Unfortunately, there are some plant varieties that you shouldn't have in your yard. This includes plants that are unstable, are troublesome, spread of diseases, or are toxic and can cause rashes. Here are some plants to avoid adding to your yard's landscape. Sweet Autumn Clematis This may seem like a beautiful plant to have in your yard, especially when it starts to bloom to show clouds of florals along the rapidly-growing vines.
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Think You Don't Have The Room For Nice Landscaping? Think Again!

Posted on: 17 April 2015
If you would love to have a pretty back yard, but think it is too small for anything more than a few plants right against the fence, it is time to think again. Even the smallest yard can be designed to look wonderfully landscaped. Consider these tricks, and use them to create the look and feel you want. Color Bright, warm colors draw attention. To make a small yard look bigger, you need to keep the attention on the entryway and perimeters.
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Learn How To Make A One-Of-A-Kind Checkerboard Out Of A Table

Posted on: 31 March 2015
Finding the perfect gift to give to someone who seems to have everything can be a bit difficult. If you want to ensure that you are able to give someone a gift that you know for sure they do not already own, make one for them. There are many beautiful handmade gifts that you can create to show someone how special they are to you. The following guide will walk you through the process for making a beautiful one-of-a-kind checkerboard for someone.
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