
  • 4 Common Issues With Plumbing

    Plumbing problems can be quite irritating. They can range from anything from low water pressure to main line issues. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn of a few common potential plumbing issues from which your home might be suffering. Low Water Pressure Low water pressure is generally an easy problem to locate. If you notice that your spouts and faucets are not producing as much water as they generally do, then you might have a problem with low water pressure.
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  • 3 Tips To Help You Get The Best Materials For Your Woodworking Projects

    If you like to do woodworking as a hobby or have projects and repairs to do around your home, you probably want to have quality lumber materials. There are the common materials that you can get from the hardware store, as well as specialty products like hard-to-find wood. If you want to have the best materials to complete projects around your home, here are some tips that might help you:
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  • How To Clean Wood Blinds

    Wood blinds can give any room in your house a warm, rustic look. They can also appear elegant when combined with the right décor elements, such as a sleek white or cream-colored couch or a luxurious, fluffy rug. Although the cleaning process you'll use to clean wood blinds is similar to basic white vinyl blinds, there are a few specific things to keep in mind. Here are a few tips for cleaning and maintaining wood blinds:
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  • Sick Of Granite? Other Countertops To Consider

    Granite countertops have dominated the work surfaces of new kitchens for years. In fact, 75 percent of countertops installed in new kitchens in 2012 were granite. If you're getting sick of this seemingly default choice in new countertops, there are plenty of other options available to you. Marble. Marble is simply stunning and often costs less than granite. However, your beautiful marble countertops will require a lot of tender loving care.
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  • Two Signs That It's Time To Clean Your Chimney

    If you have a chimney that you use during the cold seasons, it's easy to let years go by without doing much more than throwing logs into it and lighting a fire.  However, just because your chimney appears to be working fine, it's important that you don't let this lull you into a false sense of security.  Dirty chimneys are dangerous because the buildup can cause a fire to start that could potentially damage your entire home.
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  • 3 Things You Should Do Before Building A Fence On Your Property Line

    Adding a fence to your property line can be a great decision for any homeowner. It's a nice way to separate your yard from your neighbors' by providing a visual separation and by keeping your pets and kids contained on your side of the property. Before you decide to build a fence along the property line, however, there are a few steps that you should take to ensure that your project turns out just like it is supposed to.
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  • Wood Floor Seen Better Days? 3 Simple Steps To Restore The Beauty

    Wood floors are a beautiful addition to any home. Unfortunately, without proper care they can wear out quickly. If the home you just bought has a wood floor that's looking beat up, don't worry. You won't have to have it replaced. In just a few easy steps, you can bring back the beauty and luster of your wood floor.  Here are some step-by-step instructions to get your wood floor looking brand new again.
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  • Tips For Keeping Your Home's Awning In Great Condition

    Awnings are common additions that can help to provide your family with ample amounts of shade during the blistering summer days and protection during rain storms. Also, a well-maintained awning can help to improve your home's curb appeal and value. However, many homeowners make the critical mistake of failing to properly care for their aluminum awnings. In addition to making the awnings an eyesore, this error can also drastically reduce their lifespans.
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  • Understanding The Benefits Of French Drains

    French drains are a specialized type of drain that can be installed in your yard or in your home that allow for easy water drainage. If you have been having flooding issues in or around your home and have not been able to find a solution, installing a French drain may be the right step. Understanding how French drains work and what they can offer can help you decide if they are the right solution for your specific problem.
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  • The String Bead Incident: Personalize Your Dorm With Unique String Curtains

    Personalizing your college dorm makes it feel more like home and allows your fellow students to learn something about your tastes and interests. You're limited by the small size of most dorms, but there's always room for a set of curtains since they don't take up any floor space. One of the newest trends in drapes is the string curtain. Similar to the beaded curtains of the '60s, string curtains are composed of long strands of thread, ribbon, or other material to make a panel.
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